Friday, November 22, 2013

Crazy Week of kids

If any of you have wondered what it would be like to have two-year-old twins and one-year-old twins at the same this and then never wonder again. And if anyone has experienced that, you have my deepest respect :). 

The third week of September we had company! My brother's kids, Kylie (2) and Justin (1) stayed with us for the week so their mom could rest up from surgery. I was glad to be able to help them out, and excited for my kids to have so much time with their cousins. One of my favorite things about my childhood is that we all knew and were great friends with our cousins, no matter how far apart we lived. I want this same experience for my own kids, so we give our best effort to get together often. That being said, when I woke up Saturday morning and got everyone eating breakfast (a 30 minute process), I looked at the table and knew I was in trouble :). Two girls who both KNOW that they are in charge, two boys who are mobile but love to be held, and four kids who don't completely know the art of sharing...either way, it was going to be an exciting week for everyone!

We try not to let a Beaver Gameday go by without getting our gear on, even if we can't go to the game. This was the season opener, so I really wanted to get some cute cousin pictures of everyone in their getup. I should mention that Alex was working a 10 hour shift this day, and not able to help at all, so it was a miracle that I even got the kids dressed, but this was the best picture I got. Carter was just NOT into Justin at that point. Three kids were sitting happily, but when I added him to the mix he just started shoving...

Took some individuals...these boys were killing me with their adorable faces :)

In the afternoon, Amber let me borrow two of her helpers to come play with the kids. they made a pet store with every single stuffed animal that we own (the windowsills are packed as well...), making sure to group the animals by type, and even having an aquarium! I loved having them, and it really did give me a little bit of clean-up time. I don't mind the toy mess when I get a chance to clean up the kitchen! It was a fun and full day :)

 I don't really remember Sunday (lots of diapers, someone always eating, someone always sleeping), but Alex had Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday off for his weekend, so we were able to get out of the house a little bit. Monday we hit up the library 'block party'. The kids had fun, and I love that we weren't responsible for the cleanup :), but the only picture I got was of Alex's tower. I love that I married someone who can be so in the zone of playing that he forgets that three toddlers two feet away are screaming :). Okay so that is something that I both love and hate. :)

Tuesday the 17th was our 2nd anniversary. Before I knew that the two Johnson kids were coming for a visit, Amber had said she would watch my kids for me so we could go out. I called to back out, adding four under the age three to her four kids is just too much for me to wrap my head around. But she said to bring them over, and I didn't give her a chance to think it over :). so we went out for a nice walk exploring downtown before dinner at The Melting Pot. Just typing it makes my mouth water :). My favorite! And this time we had our own private dining room-of sorts. Our table was squeezed into what we think used to be an elevator shaft (the building is an old Fire Station). It was funny and probably supposed to make it extra romantic, but the tiny space and squeezing onto one side, trying to reach the fondue pot made for an interesting time :). We had a blast, and were happy to celebrate the first two years of a lifetime of happiness.

Tuesday was our official 2nd anniversary :) We celebrated with octopuses swimming in ketchup for lunch! Kylie was totally freaked out by this lunch, and didn't eat it at all. Most of the kids liked it, both of the boys are at the shoveling stage where they really don't care or even notice what the food is until it's in their mouths.

Olivia drew her first human picture! I was so proud of her, and I think it's a great likeness to her Uncle Andy. Next time we will aim for some arms and legs, but for now a super hairy head is perfect :).

On Wednesday Olivia had dance. Alex didn't have to work that day, so I just took Kylie with me. She wanted to go in SOOO badly, and was probably a little sleep deprived at that point (four kids under three means someone is always awake), so she was very sad that I made her sit with me and watch. But she did great, and O loved having someone to show off for - let's just say she isn't the best listener in the group...

This moment just struck me as funny. we were driving somewhere ( I honestly have no idea where) and stopped at a light. I turned around to check on the kids and this is what I saw. They were completely mesmerized by one of those blow up dancing guys in front of a mattress store. they sat completely still watching him the entire time we were stopped there.

Thursday the 19th of September was National Talk Like a Pirate Day. Also happens to be 'dress up like a pirate and get a dozen free donuts at Krispy Kreme day' could we not participate. To convince us even more, we got this text in the morning, showing our decked out cousins on their way for donuts before school. We were glad that we could borrow some of their gear, and each of the kids got dressed up in some way. The girls insisted on wearing fairy dresses...but we made it work. Two months later I still have about a dozen donuts in the freezer, but it was fun!

Thursday afternoon was piano lesson day, and I was more that a little glad to drop all the kids at Ambers for a couple hours so I could pack for our trip that weekend. Four kids is wonderful, and noisy, and crazy, and just a lot to handle :). I picked the kids up from school and brought them to my house, where I immediately found them investigating the new hiding potential in our family room. This is our new armoire, and two super cute kids.

Another reward of teaching creative are a couple suggested slogans for remembering the notes.

Friday we stayed home and relaxed while I finished packing. In the evening Laura arrived, at just the moment of the kids getting grumpy and fighting before dinner. I was so glad to have her help, after a long day. She took the kids outside so I could finish dinner, and they absolutely loved playing with her. She stayed the night and took the Johnson kids back to Utah the next day, and that is the end of our week! Right that moment I wouldn't have volunteered for it again, but the lack of sleep was only temporary and we really did have fun. I guess that's the benefit of waiting a bit before blogging, a lot of the not-so-great memories blur together :).

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

New Activities and Funny Sayings

September 3rd was Olivia's first ever day of dance. It was more exciting for me than for her I'm sure, but this girl thrives in any social environment, so I wasn't worried at all. My Stay cousins have implanted dreams of little girls with fancy curls and adorable costumes into my life. The night before we practiced the bun, and I was pleased with the result. Of course the next morning we had a photo shoot, and the no-smile face actually worked well! 

Carter was totally thrilled to wait the 45 minutes during class...also happens to be right during the middle of his naptime. Guess he is going down to one nap whether he likes it or not :).

I'm also amazed at the quick influence that other little girls have had in Olivia's life. She is the youngest by 4 or 5 months in her class, and is constantly coming home with new things that we have to do because Maggie or Lydia do them. Case-in-point, we have been playing dress up almost every day! Olivia likes to dress Mommy up more than herself, and will soon move to Carter as well, once he learns how to sit still :).
A few days later we had our first rain in Idaho! It was about a half-hour downpour, so when O asked to go out with her boots, I raced around the house finding necessary gear because I was as excited as she was :). Jumping into the puddles is her favorite activity, especially when she can get mom wet!

That afternoon, we were getting Carter up from nap, and I almost had to leave to stop from laughing when Olivia said 'Carter, I have a dia-no-sees. You have a 'vere case of 'tinky diaper-o-sees.'

Thanks Doc McStuffins!

Carter also successfully used a spoon for the first time that day! Yogurt is a great first food since it sticks to the spoon, and he easily got twice as much on his bib as in his mouth, but he loved it, and was very serious about scooping it.

On the 7th of September I caught Carter showing us a skill that he had previously hid. He was playing in the crab sandbox (or pool, since it had about an inch of water in the bottom), and when I came out he was standing up by himself! Easy peasy. Granted he was 13 months old, so it wasn't a huge surprise, but it was totally controlled, and way easier than it should have been for the first time :). Just shows the difference between my two kids. O is so eager for independence and new skills, but Carter is totally content to sit by and watch. They will grow up to be great friends and major troublemakers I'm sure.

We officially cut Olivia off from her plug on the 8th of September. It was a rough few days of no nap and VERY long bedtimes, but it was time. It does provide us with one more great avenue into her thoughts. As she goes to sleep, she talks to everything around her, whether it is the wall, her stuffed animal, or the invisible princesses that live in her room :). One night I came up to check on her and was lucky enough to hear this:

'Five little monkeys jumpin on the bed. One fell of and went to market. Three little monkeys stayed home. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said weeeee weeee weeee all the way home'.

That is an expert compilation of two nursery rhymes, if I do say so myself :)

We were thrilled by a quick visit from Jenaye on her way to Utah, she is such a fun aunt! I wish I had taken more pictures, Olivia was so anxious to show Jenaye everything, and she is so patient to listen through all her ramblings! Love you Jenaye!

I forgot about this picture until recently. It is a symbol of my weekly freedom time :). Amber and I have started a piano lesson trade where she takes my kids for a few hours each week, and I teach her kids piano lessons. This is a total win-win for me. I love to teach piano, and enjoy this opportunity to get back into it, and I get to run errands, clean the house, or just read for a couple hours by myself! Mom time with no guilt, and my kids love playing with their cousins. What a great arrangement! The first week I went to five different stores and still had time for ice cream! I can't even imagine doing that with my kids in tow!

*I have to add that I love my kids. So much. I also love these few hours where I'm not on duty as a mom, and I know my kids are safe, happy, and having a great time with one of the best moms I know :)