Monday, June 9, 2014

Carter's Hospital Trip

Well Monday morning I called the doctor, and took Carter in. The doctor spent about ten seconds looking at Carter's skin and hearing my story before telling me to head straight to the Children's Hospital. I was surprised at her swiftness, but throughout the day I learned how much I had missed and how sick the little guy really was.

We got to the hospital a little before ten, and were admitted right away. We then spent the next hour and a half trying and failing to get an IV in. His little veins were so small that no one could get one in. I was instructed to try to get him to drink and eat popsicles for a while until the afternoon IV specialist came on duty. Around 1 we had success, and were able to start treatment.

We are so grateful to Amber and family for taking care of Olivia for a majority of our three day stay in the hospital. Alex had one day off, but I really don't know what I would have done without wonderful family to cover for us.

After starting treatment, we were really just playing a waiting game to see when he would get the better of whatever bug he had. The doctors originally said no longer than overnight, and I was really counting on this. I was totally unprepared for the struggle it is to keep a toddler in a hospital bed when he is attached to an IV pole, too sick to go on a walk, and in quarantine so he isn't supposed to go anywhere outside his room or near other patients. Even after three hours on liquids, he felt so much better that I'm sure he thought it was time to go home and play.

This is just a picture showing his IV setup. He totally couldn't use his right hand, but it didn't bother him too much. He was a real trooper through the whole thing.

That evening was the Christmas Piano recital. I have been teaching Maely and Kade this year, and couldn't miss their first recital. It was really hard to leave the hospital, but I brought O with me so Alex could stay with him. The kids did amazing, and it was very fun to see the light that they bring into the assisted living facility, and the enjoyment that all the residents get out of talking to children and hearing them play. I love Maely's smile as she plays 'Grandma Got Ran Over by a Reindeer'. She wanted to sing all the words, but we had to limit it to playing one verse. I didn't want to offend anyone, but her smile made it worth it :).

After they played (some on piano, some on violin), all the children sang a few Christmas carols together before the recital was over. It was so great, and Olivia was SO excited to be a part. She wants to be an older kid more than my heart is ready for.

After the recital, Olivia went with all the kids to have a hot chocolate party while I headed back to the hospital to relieve Alex. He was able to come take O home for the night. I wish I had been a little more present for the whole recital evening, but I was hanging on, so that is enough for now.

The night was very hard, with nurses coming in every two hours to take vitals, and Carter unable to sleep through any of it. Because he was infectious, everyone who entered the room donned full gown and mask, which really freaked Carter out. I can't blame him at all, but I got really tired of the nurses saying he would sleep through the next one. It was a long, sleepless night. But in the morning, Carter looked WAY better, and ate lots at breakfast.

We were disappointed after his bloodwork came back, as none of his numbers were improving at the rate that we were expecting. Nothing was worse, and Carter was really picking up, but we weren't able to go home that day. I'm a little embarrassed at how weepy I was over this news. I know he needed the care and medicine, but that room seemed to shrink every hour. We just focused on getting him to eat and drink, and kept hoping for those blood results to get better.

In the afternoon, Daddy came by with Olivia for a visit. She was really concerned about Carter, and I'm sure she felt like I was ignoring her completely. They watched a movie together while I went to the nearby mall for a walk and to get a few items checked off the Christmas shopping list. It was a much needed break, but I couldn't stay away for long. I just needed eyes on him to ensure that nothing changed.

Day three dawned with a very rambunctious boy. He would only stand in the bed, not sit or lay down. He wanted out, and kept tangling his IV cord up in everything. I could tell he was feeling much better, and the bloodwork results demonstrated that. We were given permission to discharge around noon, and were headed home a couple hours later.

Carter wasn't totally better for at least a week after that, but I am totally glad that we survived our first (and hopefully last) pediatric hospital visit. I have a lot more compassion for families with loved ones in the hospital, and feel very blessed that Carter's situation was always improving, and that I was prompted to not wait any longer to get him treatment.

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