Sunday, September 7, 2014

Easter Weekend!

Easter weekend was a busy one for us this year! We wanted to get the kids out for a community egg hunt, because they always have fun running around with the other kids. I didn't really anticipate the sheer number of kids and eggs and craziness, but the kids had a blast. This particular egg hunt was put on by the Ten Mile Church, and was very well done. They had different areas and times for different age groups, which meant Carter got to go first. This was a good lesson for Olivia, who got to cheer on her brother while she patiently waited for the preschooler group. Carter didn't really get it. At all. He kept calling the eggs balls (no surprise there...everything round is ball to this kid), and picking one up before throwing it back down. He refused to put any eggs in his basket, and got quite mad when we tried to help him. Luckily the other 0-2 year olds aren't super fast at gathering eggs either, and we were able to convince Carter to put his 'balls' in Olivia's basket so he could take them home. Problem averted :)

Olivia, on the other hand, was super excited to gather eggs, and very serious about it. I had a hard time getting her to smile before she had a basketful of eggs. She kept the position below throughout her entire hunt. Low to the ground, high reachability...she had a great strategy!

 After we hunted for eggs and grabbed a healthy snack of candy from said eggs, we headed over to Maely's soccer game! I love going out on Saturdays to watch the G kids in their various sports, and soccer was no exception. Maely was so fun to watch, and showed amazing skill, especially because this was her first year, and most of the kids on her team had 3-7 years experience. At half time the organization  put on a huge dance party for a few minutes - Upward Sports always has fun activities, and a totally positive atmosphere. We will definitely use Upward when the kids get into organized sports. - which ad Olivia showing her best moves.

During the second half, baby #3 and I enjoyed our first snow cone of the season! Snow cones are one of my weaknesses, so I love that summer pregnancies give me infinite excuses to partake of them often. We did find out that snow cones turn Carter into a bird! He just got as close as he could with his little bird mouth saying 'Aaaahhhh' until he got a bite. We should have discouraged the behavior, but it was just SO cute that we didn't. And we regretted it later :).

The game made for a fun, and full morning, but we had to hurry home for lunch and naps afterward. During naptime, Alex and I remembered that we hadn't dyed Easter eggs yet! Every year we dye them, and then the Easter Bunny comes and hides fake plastic eggs instead (he is smart about the high broken egg potential in our house), but it's still an important tradition that I would feel horrible skipping. So we busted out the hard boiled eggs and dye, and had it all ready before dinner. I'm not an artistic person - at all - and as many eggs as we gave to Carter ended up on the ground, but we still ended up with a couple dozen successfully colored're welcome Dad!

Easter morning was a blast. The kids are at this perfect stage of excitedness and lack of understanding or remembering about what tomorrow brings, so every holiday is something completely new for them. It didn't take long for them to discover that the eggs contained more candy, and Carter could open any of them by throwing them as hard as he could.Thus the chocolaty smile in all of these pictures. I couldn't keep him out of it!

 We had a relaxed morning before we headed to Amber's for Easter dinner. The kids really enjoyed the things that the Easter Bunny brought, an Anna dress for O to use on our upcoming Disney trip, and a bouncy basketball for Carter. He isn't quite big enough to use it per the instructions, but he figured out his own way!

Lastly, a picture of O. I love this face. The picture has funny colors, but her eyes are so beautiful. Happy Easter!

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