Sunday, September 18, 2016

August OR Trip Part 4

The next week started with another morning of swim lessons! We celebrated with some more adorable hand holding pictures. I took these pictures every day because I just couldn't get over how cute they were.

After swimming we pulled down the costume boxes and were entertained for the rest of the morning with awesome costumes, hilarious comments, and well-thought-out and practiced performances. Someday I will edit the videos and get them up was the best.

It was fairly warm that afternoon, so after the other kids got tired of being bossed around by Olivia, we put them to work cleaning out the pool so we could spend some time swimming and playing in the sprinkler.

Every day I got a random picture of what Alex was doing. This day he sent me this one of 10 lbs of chicken that he cooked up for the week. He is doing a high protein diet, and wanted to avoid cooking for the week, so the natural solution was cooking everything in the house :).

On Tuesday night, I barely jumped into the car when my dad took all the kids over 6 months to the park for a stomp rocket date. I couldn't believe it when he told me he was taking all the kids by himself, but luckily Hunter was fed so I went along with them. I'm so glad I did, for 2 reasons. First, I took 3 different kids to the bathroom during the hour we were there (don't know how he would have navigated that situation) and second, I got some amazing pictures. Here are  some cute kids who would actually smile at the camera :).

Once we got down to business, it was hilarious to watch these kids do the stomp rocket. In typical Olivia fashion, she went at it full bore from the very beginning. All of the other kids (especially Kylie) started out a little more timid and not jumping as hard as they can. Olivia doesn't have that gene, so she was in it to win it from the start.

Here is Carter...he was as excited about running after the rocket as he was about stomping it in the first place.

Kenzie was having a hard time with the coordination necessary to jump onto it. so she tried her own strategy. It was surprisingly effective!

Kylie was so cute! She figured out jumping with both feet, and absolutely loved it. Throughout the entire time, she was the most surprised at how the rocket flew, it was a new adventure each time!

Easily my favorite picture for the night. All three boys there with the same look of amazement, watching Justin's rocket fly.

The next day was Avery Park day! This is one of my kids' favorite things about going to Oregon. They all talk about the dinosaur bones and the train constantly.

Holding hands pictures are always my favorite...such love between Kenzie and her grandpa.

Kylie found a 5 on the train! She was excited about her status as a new five year old, and insisted on taking about 100 pictures with her favorite part of the evening.

Just some more fun pictures from our trip. It was so fun for the kids each time Aunt Jenaye came during our trip, she is one cool aunt.

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