Monday, January 16, 2017

December part 2

We had one more crazy week to pack for 3 trips before we left. On this day (the 15th) we actually decided that the roads were too unpredictable and the weather too bad to go to my cousin's wedding 3 hours away. I was really sad about missing it, especially since I had just finished packing and we were supposed to meet my mom there. It ended up being a blessing in disguise though, because we were able to pull off a much more Christmas-y Christmas than we would have been able to do otherwise.

We spent the evening before wrapping all the presents from grandparents, so the kids were thrilled to come down and shake, organize, kiss, and inspect each and every present. O can read all the labels, so she separated them into piles of who they were to, who they were from, size, etc. I love present organization, it's just such a blast to watch these kids get so excited about what may be.

Hunter also tried - and loved - his first snow ice cream! He loved it, and is totally loving this world of new foods that he has entered into. Once his pinchers work we will just be able to put food in front of him and watch the party that is Hunter eating.

We had to get creative with our timing to get all of our December checklist items complete, so one on evening when Alex had a basketball game to work, the kids and I made gingerbread houses! The kids had to be completely independent because Hunter was having a bad day, but I think they did a great job! O helped solve the problem of too-thick-to-squeeze glue and was great at assisting her siblings to get just the right piece onto their house or into their mouth, whatever was preferred.

Oh man. This was a bad one. I can't even describe my feelings as I realized that C and M had been silent the entire time I was putting H down for a nap. I walked upstairs and found this tragic sight. I know someday I will be able to laugh and say with 4 kids I was due a disaster like this, but right now I'm still in mourning for all of those beautiful curls. It was also 3 days before we left for 2 weeks while I was busy packing and cleaning and trying to make Christmas happen. I was even too mad to let Carter be in the picture. He is forever banned from scissors, grrrrrr.

Carter had a fun Polar Express pajama party and Christmas program on his last day. He was pretty stiff and silent the entire time, but it was cute to see him interacting with the other kids in his class.

On Saturday (the day we were supposed to be gone for the wedding trip to Tri Cities) O got to go to a swimming birthday party at the Student Rec Center. She was SO excited when I told her she would actually get to go, she would live in the pool if I let her. I actually got a babysitter (Alex was working another game that morning) to watch the 2 middle kids so I could go with her and meet some of the moms from her class. We both had fun, and it will be a future family activity for sure.

At dinner Alex told the kids that this was our Christmas Eve, since we would be gone on our trip for Christmas. He said that he sent Santa an email so he was pretty sure it would all work out. I was quite surprised when I heard this conversation, because this was Saturday night, and we had planned our Christmas for Tuesday. I wasn't anywhere near ready, but once it's announced it becomes law, so we busted out a quick Christmas Eve box opening in our underwear after baths...we do whatever works :).

I had a short grocery list and a LONG to do list of evening things to get done, so Alex went to Walmart for me. It was such a magical thing when he came back in this shirt...I needed just that to lighten my mood and let me feel the Christmas fun while I got it ready for the next morning. I love this guy!

Merry Faux Christmas from the kids! I hope we always have stairs, this is my favorite annual picture. And yes, Alex was just inches away to save Hunter if he fell down. He was sitting but not super well at this point, so the stair wasn't the best place for him. Anything for a picture!

Just some cute kiddos exploring what Santa brought for them...

 And my oldest kid...

Traditional Johnson Christmas morning breakfast of rice krispy treats and stocking candy :)

We had a totally lax day of playing with the kids and hanging out as a family. In the afternoon we decided that paint cookies. Every year is a new experience as the kids get older (and we have new ones). This year Olivia really got into painting details on her cookie. I was sad that I didn't have more brushes, she wanted to use a lot more precision than one brush allowed. Carter was all about mixing the colors to see what it would make, so his frosting palate was actually way more artistic than the cookies he produced. Makenzie just wanted to eat the frosting, like every 2 year old I know. She did paint some, but licked the brush in between every stroke. I always separate each kid's cookies for them to eat later so we avoid sharing drooly frosting cookies.

Hunter absolutely LOVED this cookie. He gnawed it down to nothing and was super sad when I took the last crumbs out of his hand.

After the kids went to sleep I busted out the rest of the painting, but I had a little bit of fun as I realized that the Benny cookie cutter is part of every collection we have (Christmas, Valentine's, spring, etc.). He makes an appearance regardless of the occasion. Go Beavs!

We had a couple days of playing with Christmas stuff before we left for our trip, which was a miracle for the peace in our house as I tried to bust out packing for 6 people, 13 days, 2 completely separate modes of travel, 2 vastly different temperatures, a variety of activities, etc. It was a crazy packing adventure that I don't wish to ever do again. Even as I type that though, I know given the opportunity again we would totally do the same thing again. Anything for fun family togetherness.

This was a beautiful tiny metal piano that Alex ordered and then made for me. It's sitting on top of the piano now, and is a totally awesome addition to any decorating that I will do in the future :)

Next up, our crazy travel day and San Diego!

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