Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Twin Lakes Part 2: Monday and Tuesday

Monday morning we woke up bright and early to continue enjoying the water :) Amber started us out with some more trivia cards, but no one could get into it quite as much as when the water wasn't calling to us.

While the kids (and Alex :)) were playing by the shore, I went out with a group to enjoy Katie's new big group float. We brought up ours, but didn't even end up blowing it up because we were able to get on Katie's right away :) Thanks for bringing this up!

Amber's new kid kayak was a great way to get to and from the float without getting wet, but I always prefer to get in between my different ways of sitting around the water :)

Later that morning we took Hunter on his first ever boat ride :) I don't think he enjoyed it at all ;) He would scramble to the steering wheel any chance he got.

Our first skiier that morning was Teagen. He was SO amazing to watch ski. I believe this was his first time, but he just popped right out of the water and was off. The entire time he was screaming AAHHH AAHHH AAHHH (for a straight 2 minutes) at the top of his lungs, and everyone in the boat was cracking up. After a while, we circled back around to Alex (who was the hero in the water for this entire boat load of kids)

Alex took Kenz on the kneeboard next, her first time - with the exception of me putting her on when she was 9 months old and screaming :)

She loved it :)

Carter is usually a little more hesitant, but he jumped on and went anyway. These kids and their bravery is a great example to all of us who sit hesitant on the back of the boat before jumping in!

Olivia with dad.

The necessary screaming 1 year old picture...next year will be a whole different ball game for this kid :) maybe his mom will even remember his swimsuit!

O decided she wasn't ready to ski, so she kneeboarded by herself for a bit and did great! She was super focused on the rope the entire time :)

Proud girl...

Where's Makenzie....

Here she is!!

Boat girl in the making. O would go in every boat if she could!

The first boat ride in two years, and everyone behind the boat is cause for ice cream!

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!

Hunter didn't get his own ice cream, but Makenzie was happy to share. I'm SO glad I was able to capture this little exchange.

Grandma and Great Grandma looking on :)

Carter had a quick science lesson when he put these blue goggles on. 'Look Mom! This orange thing looks green and my hand is blue!'

Grandparent row (plus Savannah :))

Lots of people hanging out on the floatie, and a deep water rescue on the kayak :) O was all about swimming out from the end of the dock, but she wouldn't turn down a kayak ride back when it was offered :).

This was one tired baby who loved his grandpa. Naptimes are kind of nonexistent at the Lake - we tried to hang out in the cabin for the afternoon nap, but morning got a little touch-and-go. I was so grateful for many hands willing to play and cuddle and hold a cranky baby, especially toward the end of the week after Alex had to go back.

Some big trucks moving trees around behind the cabin was worth ten minutes of watching with Grandpa. Notice that Makenzie is making good use of her 'noculars'.

O went with the older girls on her first tubing trip sans mom :). These milestones are made better by a long-range zoom that lets me take pictures from the opposite side of the lake!

Uncle Dave is the best for taking 8 kids out together with only one person over 11 to help watch! O is the youngest by a couple years, but we have Olivia, Maggie, Ethan, Emmie, Sophie, Megan, Paige, and Elli, with Jennifer in the front helping out. Thanks Dave and Jen!!

Grandpa and Jesse were helping Caleb and Savannah get ready for an evening fishing trip.

Tickle monster and arm wrestling that afternoon

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