Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Crazy August Adjusting

I say that August was a period of adjusting, but I'm writing this in December, and I think we will be in a constant state of adjusting until the kids are grown. These pictures are from the third week in August. Carter was just a week old, so both him and I were still adjusting and healing. I relied on help from family a lot during this week as we made efforts to get back in some semblance of a routine.
Here is a typical park picture that Alex sent to me when I sent him and O to the park one morning. She is always testing the limits, seeing what she can and can't do.

I love this picture of Grandpa and Olivia watering the plants. He was out there and she just walked right out to join him...babbling the entire time.

Here is our little man asleep in the bouncy chair. I love how curled up babies often are before they develop their muscles.

I think this was our first trip to the library. Olivia is infatuated with her little brother, and even at this point it seemed like they belonged together. She came up and gave him love as often as we would let her...we were glad for the protection that the carseat provided :)

I just want to add that I didn't pose this picture :) what cuties!

At ten days old, he was getting love from Grandpa and Ashley

A visit from Aunt Kathy. Olivia loves when she comes over, and I love to watch her example of always having a positive spirit when instructing children. It's easy to become short and just say 'no' and 'stop', but Kathy (and many great moms that I look up to) always seem to be able to give another idea or stop the potentially dangerous activity without making O feel like she's in trouble.

The next day, Danielle came over and we had some adventures in a box! I'm not sure what inspired her to climb in, but Olivia was eager to join, then we turned the box upright and trapped her in!

Carter had a weird habit of keeping one eye open most of the time. Sometimes I'm sure he's sleeping, but other times, like this one, he was awake...at least halfway :). I'm glad I have this little quirk documented, because he grew out of it as his vision developed and he was able to start actually watching his surroundings.

Maybe a little organizer? She insisted that every stack have two blocks that day, knocking down a pile as soon as I put a third one on :)...she may just be a girl after my own heart.

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