Tuesday, December 4, 2012

State Fair Week (End of August)

The State Fair is a great tradition in the Casqueiro Family, and having a two week old didn't stop us from enjoying the fun! I was amazed at how much stuff I had to bring for two kids to have one day away from home. So much preparation, but it was all worth it!

Not such a huge fan of Smokey...actually Olivia loves all mascots from a distance, she waves and laughs, but the only one she ever went up to willingly was the Fresno State Bulldog. Someday soon I hope to get a picture with Benny Beaver, because every kid should have one!

Ash and Danielle with their fish tracings...so proud!

Thinking about submitting this one to awkwardfamilyphotos.com :)

Pretty sure she wasn't supposed to be eating the tomatoes that were on display...

This might be my favorite picture with me in it from this summer :) I love the little feet poking out, even though a nursing picture wouldn't be my first choice to put on the blog :)

'Pushing' the stroller.

I just realized that I'm not sure watermelons should have a stem...Oh well :)

Riding her first fair 'ride'....the lift that goes across the fairgrounds. She loved being up that high, but BOY does it make me nervous! She could fall out so easily!

Cute feet...again of Ash and Danielle :) I didn't have my camera most of the day, just being up and having Carter out was enough of a challenge for me at that point.

The day after our fair adventure, Carter had his first bottle! It was a complete success, I love how he is gripping it while he drinks.

On the 29th, three days after our first fair trip, we went again with my dad. Unfortunately I forgot the all-important camera this day, so I only have a couple pictures. First, here is Olivia driving a helicopter. She was thrilled to climb around it the cockpit, pushing every button she could reach.

All those fair pictures make me tired just looking at them! It was a really fun week, and I was thrilled to get in bed at the end of the day. So many great memories :)

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