Monday, December 10, 2012

September 1-7

September! We were starting our first fall as a family of four, our first fall with a fully walking/running/playing toddler, and our first fall back in Oregon. On the first, we also discovered that Carter had grown out of his first onesie! His little head was not so little when he was born. so we had some hats already in the 'too small' pile, but it seemed like a big step to grow out of an actual piece of clothing! Here is a picture of our little sleeping prince looking so big in his bouncy chair.

Sunday the 2nd of September was a very crafty day. I got in this super-charged mom state, really feeling like I needed to nurture and teach Olivia more. I had really been letting Alex, Mary, Gary, and Ashley do a lot of the playing while I was healing, and I had a few days of really feeling good. So we made cookies! Amazing chocolate chip oatmeal cookies that Olivia helped me make. I won't tell how much of that dough touched fingers that spent a LOT of time in her mouth :). She was really helpful, but didn't really want to wait for the cookies to bake.

That evening we also made homemade pizza! I'll admit that I bought the dough and the sauce, but it was still quite an experience. O had a blast, and even though it was more expensive and not as tasty as $5 Little Ceasars, we will do it again I'm sure :).


Some neighborhood friends...

Another sibling picture fail :). I had seen a really cute diaper picture on Pinterest of the big sister holding little sister, so I had to try...I just like kids in cute clothes I more naked pictures

I really like when O decides she is a grown up and does grown up sitting in Grandpa's chair, reading Grandpa's magazine...she is really independent when she thinks nobody is watching :).

Some more first time visitors! Great Aunts Lorri and Julie...I don't know why I only got a picture of one, but we loved having all of our family visit and meet Carter for the first time.

A beautiful face after making a HUGE mess of her clothes at this girl!

And I love this boy...and his crazy eyes. From about one week old he would often have eyes like he was terrified out of his mind. I guess that's what entering this world will do for you! He also spends a lot of his time grunting and groaning. It's a little shocking coming from silent Olivia, but Carter seems insistent on proving his manliness to everyone who is around.

Later in the week we did another pinterest activity! This was a pan of baking soda, with colored vinegar for dropping. Olivia wasn't amazing at using the dropper, but she could empty it if I filled it, and loved the whole thing. She spent about twenty minutes making her bubbly art, before we just dumped it all in for a huge mess...

Crazy hair that we were just trying to keep out of her's to hoping that Alex did this hair! I honestly can't remember, but it was a good one :).

Yes another failed sibling picture :)

The morning of the 6th, Alex had an interview, so I was running solo for the first time. This is my picture proving that I actually managed to get the kids dressed and outside all by myself! This time with two kids has taught me to appreciate the little accomplishments :)

The caption for this next picture is 'self, self, self'. O didn't want any help putting on her socks and shoes, so I got to practice the skill of helping without her knowing :)

I would say another sibling picture fail, but I love that they are looking at eachother

Holding his plug in for the first time. I'm realizing now that his first bottle was purple, the first plug accomplishment was pink...I'll admit that we use what we have, regardless of color. His bouncer that we keep upstairs is pink, and some of his socks may or may not have butterflies on them...

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