Friday, January 4, 2013

Enchanted Forest!

 In the middle of September, Olivia (and Carter) took their first trip to Enchanted Forest. Olivia is just getting into the perfect age for this fun outing; she thinks everything is real and is old enough to recognize the princesses and stories that she knows

The crooked house is one of my favorite parts of the Park. It is so disorienting, you don't know what is up. My favorite part this time was when O saw some stairs painted on the wall and tried to walk up them. They are painted pretty realistically, so she tried a couple times before giving up

Carter slept pretty much the entire time, as was to be expected at 5 weeks.

The giant slide was Olivia's favorite part of the day. She went on it 6 or seven times, and would have stayed all day. I felt silly being one of those parents who drags their child away from one attraction to see the next, but we had to keep moving, C was on a schedule. I love the pictures of her face, filled with delight as she gets closer and closer to the end of the slide.

Next we went to the are where you get to drive your own bumper boat. As you can see by the picture, Alex was at least as into it as O was, but they had fun. In the boat picture you can see their boat, stuck between the two rocks in the middle of the pond :). I had to remind Alex that the most important thing was for his daughter to have fun :)

We were thrilled that Andy was able to come with us. I even got picture proof that this cowboy was NOT a faster draw than  he was. The game insisted that Andy lost, but he is apparently a pretty quick draw.

 Just walking up the hill :) This was right after a sad moment when I talked up this big slide that was a tunnel and went around and around (O loves slides), and then we got there and she had to be 3 inches taller than she is even to go with an adult. Even my quick distraction techniques didn't quite work, but there is enough fun things that her sadness didn't last long.

For lunch we got pizza and watched the indoor water show that may or may not rival the Bellagio :). I realized just as the show was getting over that Carter needed to eat, and this was a great place to do it. So the rest of the gang went on and I stayed to feed him, These next two pictures are of him watching the show after he was full. He just kept moving and moving like a crazy person, stopping every once in a while to just stare at the water. This is pretty impressive for a newborn, so I was sad to only have my cell phone camera. I'm glad it captured the crazy movement though!

One of the last things we did was a little kiddie ride roller coaster that took us around a miniature land with gnomes, castles, and mini animals. It was new since the last time I went, so it was fun to have an excuse to jump on the kiddie ride. There are also bumper cars, bumper boats, and a few other rides that would work well for kids a little older.

Can you say exhausted? I don't think O made it out of the parking lot awake. It was a great day, and I can't wait to go again in the spring!

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