Friday, January 4, 2013

Newborn photo shoot #2

When Carter was officially one month old, we went to do his newborn shots at the photo studio. I like to do them a little older so the baby is awake more, and it turned out very well. What didn't turn out well was a sibling shot. As you can see, Olivia was still getting used to having a brother, and to sharing all the attention in the pictures.

This was an unintentional shot of me trying to show O what to do...

Yes he cried for a lot of the session. Carter just had a hard time his first two months getting used to his body and the strange family he was born into.

Handsome 'man' pose. I love that you can see arm and shoulder hair, even in the sepia.

Also, here are a few extra pictures that I scrambled up from that week. I took a lot of pictures of Carter when he was a newborn, and I think O stepped it up a little in cuteness so that I would take pictures of her too :) It worked...

Sweet sleeping babe.

Sporting a onesie from Ashley...

O went out to help Grandpa install some new lights. They were out there together for a long time before I went out, and she was just sitting right next to Grandpa, swinging away with the hammer.

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