Sunday, January 6, 2013

Game Day Party

On September 22 we (as in Mary and Gary :)) hosted a Game Day party for the OSU at UCLA game. Most of the Casqueiros came over, and we had a blast.

Carter spent the majority of the time hanging out on the ottoman watching everybody, when he wasn't being passed around from person to person of course ;).

I love this picture because it shows how identical these two are...can you tell who's son Max is?

I don't really remember why, but at one point in the afternoon Gene declared that he wanted a seat on the couch. Instead of joining the two people on the four person couch, he decided to squeeze between Jim and Kathy on the short couch...

I love Carter's face here...he's just taking everything in while Olivia is slightly possessive over who has 'her' baby.

And she pulled out the angry eyes...we see this more and more as she gets older...and it still makes me laugh every time :)

Talking on her hamburger bun phone...she went through a phase of using everything as a she is having a full on conversation with her bun :).

The next day we FINALLY got to go meet Logan! (He was about a week old, but it seemed like forever). It was funny to see the difference in these boys, especially head size. They are about five weeks apart, and Logan has already caught up to Carter in most ways, but this makes my newborn look like a giant :).

Carter was just wavin to the camera here :). I feel like it's the first picture that he kind of looks like an infant not a newborn. He is really starting to have a lot of expression and to move his arms and legs with more control.

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